Among my cousins, I am the third youngest. Basically, that means, my cousins are all matured and sane. I never expect something like this from a cousin. Yet, Tze Yip, one of my cousins did the most random thing. He called me up early in the morning for a spontaneous one day trip to Genting with his friends.
#1. Genting. It has been so long since I've been to Genting. Nostalgia-nya~ We were so random. We had nothing to do, so first, we decided to give the haunted house a go.
#2. Siew Ann, cousin's friend and I.
#3. Cliffton, another of cousin's friend and my cousin, Tze Yip. If you take a closer look, you could see the guy in the skeleton suit is not really into taking pictures. When we said we want to take picture, he gave the tak-kisah/wtf face, and just stand still only. Damn stupid!
#4. I've been into the haunted house before but they seem to have changed it recently. Apparently due to a lot of groaping cases that happened to the customers. Now, it is more like a maze with a lot of 3D graphics. The 'ghost' inside are not allowed to touch us also. Less exciting and pretty lame. We are required to wear the 3D glasses. Bloody hell. Stupid glasses. Couldn't see a damn thing in the haunted house lo!
#5. We had too much free time. It was either bowling or pool.
#8. At least I didn't get last place.
#9. DORAYAKI!!!!!! Oishii~
#10. We even went to get our picture taken with these machines! It has been so long since I've done so.
#11. Don't ask.
#13. Nice right!!! We are sitting on the roof. My cousin and his friends also damn sampat one, so the whole time we were taking pictures, it was tons of fun!!
#19. Sorry Cliffton. Hehe!! Poor thing. He was really tired cause he had to wait for Siew Ann and I to decorate the pictures, let it print, allow me to take a picture of it with my camera before dividing it between the four of us, let the lady cut and laminate it. Tze Yip had Siew Ann to talk with. I was chatting with the lady there. So, he was there alone. Haha!!
#20. They are damn sampat. I didn't expect them to be so. As usual, whenever I see a mirror, I would want to take a picture. This time, I found a mirror above us. I sorta yelled "STOP!" took out my camera and started taking pictures. Haha!!
#22. Tze Yip was too tired to walk to First World Hotel's side after just coming from there.
#23. Later, Siew Ann was too tired to walk to the restaurant that was only 50 steps away from her.
Do they look like they are two years older than me? Despite being dragged out on this crazy trip and losing my beauty sleep, I really enjoyed myself. I was glad that we could click so well. I guess it is because all four of us just came back from U.S. for summer and could share our experiences. I got a lot of great tips from them about my future plans too. Thanks guys! Can't wait to see you again at my cousin's wedding this Saturday. ^^