Thursday, August 26, 2010

Happy 5th Year Anniversary Danny Hor!

I can't believe it has been 5 years since we've been together.

One thing I regret this year is probably not being able to see Danny at all because I was stuck here in Florida all Summer.

Yet, Danny has been patient and is ever so nice to me.

I have to say that I am the luckiest girl ever to have a boyfriend like Danny.

Sadly, we couldn't take any pictures together this year, so all I have is this..

and this..

Hehe!! I know you won't get angry at me for posting them on my blog cause you love me so much right? =P

See, I know you so well. It must be because we have a mutual understanding that can't be conveyed through words.

LOL!! *inside joke*

Anyway, I just want to say,


I still love you so much (I wonder why. LOL!! >.<)

I can't wait to see you once I graduate! MUAXXXX!