Sunday, December 7, 2008

Abandoning ship!


Sorry people. Have to abandon my blog for a few days/weeks to prepare for finals.

Actually, it is not exactly finals. I only have to:

#1. Memorize my script for public performance on Thursday (12/1).

#2. Attend exam review session on Tuesday(12/9) and take final exam before Fri(12/12).

#3. Finish writing a press release, pitch letter, PSAs and campaign plan.

#4. Write Contract Summary due on Tues (12/9).

#5. Finish journal due on Monday (12/8).

#6. Distribute flyers to RAs to promote public performance event.

#7. Study for Contemporary World Religions.

#8. Talk to Michele about including MS Walk in our Engaging Minds poster.

#9. Practice my Chinese characters.

Thats all. I know not many of you understand what I am saying. This is more like a to do list for myself.

Anyway, it looks like a lot but actually it is quite okay since all the due dates are spread out nicely.

Just want to let you know I am not abandoning this for a long time and the reasons for abandoning it.

Okay. Got to go now. Need to eat before I start with my journal due tomorrow. Haven't start a thing. Yikes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WAH... BUSY!! =)